Friday, April 2, 2010

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Awesomeness

I. Love. This. Show.

Can't say that enough!

It makes me smile and cheer for the people who are trying to change their lives for the better - and shake my head in disbelief at those who are so determined to be unhealthy and eat utter sh*t day in and day out.

Jamie has taken on a massive project, there's no doubt about it. Check out his website and take a moment to sign the petition. It's absolutely sickening to see what America's kids are eating in school every day, plus they don't even get knives and forks to eat with! And don't get me started on the pizza for breakfast. Barf. The school lady (I forget her name/job title) came in and told him that his beautiful veggie pasta and fruit was not enough fruit and veggies but the fried chicken sandwich and french fries counted (because there was an optional salad that no one chose)... Unbelievable. How have we gotten to this point? And why did it take someone coming all the way across from England to start any sort of change? The way the current establishment has screwed over the youth of our country is deplorable and it's high time parents demanded better. We're dooming them to a life of obesity, diabetes, and so many other health problems (like the high school girl who has spots on her liver and was told she might have 7 years to live because of her weight). Things can change, but it's going to be a rough road. This show is the catalyst we need to really begin to see things happen.

::end rant::

Plus, Jamie Oliver is just lovely. ;-) Gwyneth Paltrow interviewed him for GOOP, check it out.

I have to stop here and say thanks to my mom and dad for insisting we sit down and have dinner almost every night of my childhood, and especially to my mom for cooking those meals from scratch every day.

My philosophy to food and healthy eating has always been about enjoying everything in a balanced, and sane way. Food is one of life's greatest joys yet we've reached this really sad point where we're turning food into the enemy, and something to be afraid of. I believe that when you use good ingredients to make pasta dishes, salads, stews, burgers, grilled vegetables, fruit salads, and even outrageous cakes, they all have a place in our diets. We just need to rediscover our common sense: if you want to curl up and eat macaroni and cheese every once in a while – that's alright! Just have a sensible portion next to a fresh salad, and don't eat a big old helping of chocolate cake afterwards.

Knowing how to cook means you'll be able to turn all sorts of fresh ingredients into meals when they're in season, at their best, and cheapest! Cooking this way will always be cheaper than buying processed food, not to mention better for you. And because you'll be cooking a variety of lovely things, you'll naturally start to find a sensible balance. Some days you'll feel like making something light, and fresh, other days you'll want something warming and hearty. If you've got to snack between meals, try to go for something healthy rather than loading up on chocolate or potato crisps. Basically, as long as we all recognize that treats should be treats, not a daily occurrence, we'll be in a good place. So when I talk about having a 'healthy' approach to food, and eating better I'm talking about achieving that sense of balance: lots of the good stuff, loads of variety, and the odd indulgence every now and then.

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